Syaura Qotrunadha | Indonesia
@sambunghambar is a project made by Testa Siregar and Syaura Qotrunadha, two bored fine art photography students that live apart in different countries. @sambunghambar started as the medium for them to play exquisite corpse and connected by instagram’s hashtag so everyone can freely join to play. After a while, instagram changed their layout on hashtag preview. This event triggered them to start to make their own @sambunghambar account and to develop further the concept of making the offline version of @sambunghambar.
Currently, this offline project is running by Syaura as an interactive parody figures with installation and video works with participatory activities which talks about forgotten histories and poor education system in Indonesia. The first offline project allows audiences to apply for their own Sambunghambar Repooblik's Identity Card (Cartao Tandha Pendatang) that made from recycled thesis papers with original version of loanwords from other countries that still used in Indonesia as daily language. These loanwords were always taught in school to be memorized and written properly in Indonesian version in every generation until the highest formal degree.
The main idea of @sambunghambar is still implemented in this project by connecting several ideas into one abstract form that could open any further interdiciplinary collaborations to process broader ideas.
Nomad's Land (Offline Project)
Installation, Interactive Performance, and Multimedia
Variable Dimension
Video Link: by e-mail request
Nomad’s Land is an interactive parody installation and video works with participatory activities which talks about society cultural habit in Indonesia. It allows audiences to apply for their own sambunghambar identity card, which made of recycled thesis papers with original version of loanwords from other countries that still used in Indonesian in the daily language. These loanwords were always taught in school to be memorized and to be written down properly in indonesian version in every generation until the highest formal degree.
Instead of Religion column which still can be found in Indonesian’s original identity card, this fake identity card project convert it into Obedience level and assess participant’s Occupation based on their answer on the application sheet.
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Part of Nomad's Land interactive performance
Nomad's Land Mobile Service (Offline Project)
Modified pickup car, Installation, Interactive Performance, and Multimedia
Variable Dimension
* Travelling around Bandung (with Azizi Al Majid) , Jakarta (with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis) , and Bogor (GSRB Collective)
Nomad’s Land Mobile Service is an expanded version of Nomad’s Land work which previously exhibited in the end of 2017 in Yogyakarta. This project continue as a public intervention interactive performance and travel through several public spaces in three major cities in West Java—Bandung, Jakarta, and Bogor—for three months. During this travelling interactive exhibition, random people on the streets are allowed to fill out a fake identity card application containing the spelling of several languages (Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Tamil, Sanskrit, Dutch, Portuguese, Latin, and English) which were adapted into Indonesian. Instead of the “Religion” column, which still exists on today’s Indonesian identity card, the participant’s “Obedience” level and occupation are assessed based on their answers in the application form.
Nomad’s Land Mobile Service was ended in National Gallery of Indonesia as part of Berdiam/Bertandang: Art for Refuge exhibition and attended by many refuge families from South Asia and Middle East who live around West Java.
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bandung with Azizi Al Majid
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Jakarta with Klub Karya Bulu Tangkis
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bogor with Gerakan Seni Rupa Bogor
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bogor with Gerakan Seni Rupa Bogor
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bogor with Gerakan Seni Rupa Bogor
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bogor with Gerakan Seni Rupa Bogor
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bogor with Gerakan Seni Rupa Bogor
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bogor with Gerakan Seni Rupa Bogor
Nomads Land Mobile Service in Bogor with Gerakan Seni Rupa Bogor